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Er zijn 6 linkcategorieen: Algemeen weer, Bliksem, Optische verschijnselen, Wolken, Astronomie en Overig.

Algemeen weer

Fotografie (43)

Karlsruher Wolkenatlas
Weather photography by Tom Warner
Weather photography (Bjorn Beyer)
Australia severe weather (Michael Bath / Jimmy Deguara)
Barry's weather site (Barry Martin)
The incredible-weather site (Eric Tourangeau)
Steve Albers' Weather Photographs (Steve Albers)
Lightning & Weather Photography (Floris Bijlsma)
Arkansas Weather Watcher Homepage (Scott Blair)
Weather Photography (David O. Blanchard)
Lightning/Other Photography (Crean / McPartland)
Jimmy's weather page (Jimmy Deguara)
Doswell Homepage (Chuck Doswell)
John Farley's Weather Photos (John Farley)
Weather Photos by J (Jesse Ferrell)
Whirlwind images (Marty Feely)
Storm Photos By Dave Gerstner (David Gerstner)
Weather Pictures & storm chasing (Bernard Hulshof)
Skywatcher Homepage (Rick Pierce)
Christie's WeatherFriend Web Pages (C. Ponder)
Xenia tornado photos (Homer G. Ramby)
Severe & Unusual Weather Photography (Jim Reed)
Gordo's Cloud Gallery (Gordon Richardson)
Thieu's weerfoto's (Thieu Smeets)
Australian Weather Photos (Michael Thompson)
Lightning & Weather photography (Oscar v/d Velde)
Lightning & weather photos (Dries van Zyl) (David C. Simpson)
Dutch severe weather site (Corne Donkersloot) weather photos (Edward Kraus) weather photos by Marc Bauer
Hollandse weerfoto's (Anton Aardenburg)
Chemical skies (Michiel de Boer)
In the clouds photography (Gregory Thompson)
Storm skies (Karen Leszke)
Severe weather photography (Gene Rhoden)
Weeratlas (Ferry Schmets)
L.A. Pierce College weather station (Steve Woodruff)
SkyPix spectacular weather photography (Roger Edwards)
Spectacular weather photos by Elke Edwards
Weerfotografie door Stefan Jak
On the Front Photography (Jason Politte)


Fotografie (50)

Steve Albers' Weather Photographs (Steve Albers)
Oklahoma lightning (Charles Allison)
Lightning Photography (Michael Bath)
Lightning & Weather Photography (Floris Bijlsma)
Arkansas Weather Watcher Homepage (Scott Blair)
Weather Photography (David O. Blanchard)
Lightning Photos (Graeme Caselton)
Tucson Lightning (Bob Cash)
The Strike - Spectacular Lightning Strike (H. Cortes)
JOC's Lightning Photography (Joc Cousin)
Day-Lightning Photography (R. Franklin Davis)
Jimmy's weather page (Jimmy Deguara)
Genesis Fine Art Photography (Nick Djordjevic)
Arkansas lightning (James Dollar)
Doswell Homepage (Chuck Doswell)
Lightning Bolts (Eric Eikenberry)
Lightning Photography (Corey Elliott)
John Farley's Weather Photos (John Farley)
Weather Photos by J (Jesse Ferrell)
Whirlwind images (Marty Feely)
Strike One Lightning Photos (Michael Fewings)
Adam Frederick's chase page (Adam Frederick)
Storms, Rainbows and Lightning (Gordon Garradd)
Weather / lightning pictures (Herman Harperink)
Weather Pictures (Bernard Hulshof)
Rafael's lightning photography (Rafael Ketelhohn)
Sky diary (Chris Kridler)
Electric Desert (Brian Mayeux)
Tornado chase day (Gene Moore)
Photographing Lightning Storms (Neil van Niekerk)
Lightning Photos Plus by Terry (Terry Pallister)
Lightning Photography (Daniel Phelps)
Skywatcher Homepage (Rick Pierce)
Christie's Lightning Page (Christie Ponder)
Lightning, Aircraft & Space photography (C. Prazen)
Xenia tornado photos (Homer G. Ramby)
Severe & Unusual Weather Photography (Jim Reed)
The Lightning Page (Daniel Robinson)
Tucson, Arizona Lightning (John Simpson)
The Lightning Stalker (David Stillings)
Greg's storm chase page (Greg J. Stumpf)
Australian Weather Photos (Michael Thompson)
Lightning & Weather photography (Oscar v/d Velde)
Lightning & weather photos (Dries van Zyl)
PTI's Lightning Photo Gallery (Power Technologies)
NOAA Central Library Historical Image Collection
Weather photography and storm chasing (Kyle Stevens)
Lightning photography by Susan J. Strom
Electric Skies lightning photography by Radek Dolecki (Drew Medlin)

Onderzoek (12)

Langmuir Laboratory for atmospheric research
Storm prediction center (NOAA/NWS/NCEP)
Lightning protection unit
National Lightning Safety Institute (NLSI)
Lightning and Atmospheric Electricity at the GHCC
National Severe Storms Laboratory
Heary Bros. Lightning Protection Co., Inc.
Global Lightning Activity
Nordic Center of Lightning Research
Institute of High Voltage Research
Space Shuttle Lightning Observations
Alltec Corp. lightning protection

Overig (7)

Lightning strike triggered by a flying airplane
What Trees Tell Us About Lightning
Fulgurites - Products of Lightning
When Lightning Strikes... House Disasters
Lightning Injury Homepage
Lightning Strike & Electric Shock Survivors
Kids' Lightning Information and Safety

Bliksemdetectie (4)

BOLTEK Lightning Detector
StormWise Lightning Detector
Guardian Angel Lightning Detector
Lightning Activated Camera Trigger

Sprites en jets (14)

Photograph of a Red Sprite
Red Sprites and Blue Jets
Red Sprites, Blue Jets and Elves (Yucca Ridge Field Station)
NASA/MSFC/ESSD Shuttle Lightning Research
New Mexico Tech's Sprite Homepage
Optical Transients Above Thunderstorms
Sprites and Jets
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Astronomy Picture of the Day (2)
Sprites over the Northern Territory
High-altitude atmospheric flashes
Ground and Balloon-Borne Observations of Sprites and Jets
Sci/Tech: Chasing lights in the sky
Hurricane Georges puts on a light show (Sprites and Jets)

Bolbliksem (7)

Homemade artificial ball lightning
Ball Lightning Discussion [sci.geo.meteorology]
New lead for fireball riddle (New ball lightning theory)
Ball lightning news
Irvin Langmuir's ball lightning tube
Ball lightning with bizarre structure
More ball lightning

Sferics (4) lightning strikes (Europe)
Lightning strikes in Europe
WeatherTap lightning & radar
Central Florida Live Lightning Tracker

Hoogspanning (4)

Artificial lightning (Marx generator)
High-voltage experimenter's handbook
Mike's electrical stuff
Static electricity generators

Optische verschijnselen

Fotografie (13)

AKM Atmospheric phenomena
Atmospheric halos
Finnish Halo Observers Network Homepage
Atmospheric Optics
South pole halo display 11 jan. 1999
Homepage of Paolo Candy
Weather and halo photos (Michael Ellestad)
Halo homepage of Jarmo Moilanen
Halo homepage of Jarkko Korhonen
Halo homepage of Timo Leponiemi (Finnish)
Hans Schremmer's homepage
Atmospheric optics photos by Jerry Xiaojin Zhu
Atmospheric optics and astrophotography by Eva Seidenfaden

Simulatieprogramma's (2)

IRIS simulation software (coronae, glories and fogbows)
HALO program by Les Cowley and Michael Schroeder

Luchtspiegelingen (1)

Finland mirages

Groene flits (2)

A green flash page (by Andrew T. Young)
Foto's van de groene flits (door Marco Meniero)

Regenbogen (2)

Lee / Fraser: Rainbow bridge
About rainbows

Brockenfiguur (3)

Pictures of Antarctic weather phenomena
Rainbow, halo and glory polarization
Corona, glory and Brocken spectre

Overig (1)

Sunset photography / screensaver (W. Thompson)


Lichtende nachtwolken (2)

Noctilucent cloud observers' homepage
Noctilucent clouds

Parelmoerwolken (2)

Nacreous Clouds, photographs by John Bolton
Nacreous clouds

Buienjagen (7)

The Dutch Storm Chase Team (DSCT)
Sydney Storm Chasers, New South Wales, Australia
Brisbane Storm Chasers Homepage
Storm Chasing at COD
Cloud 9 Tours
Weathervine storm intercept team

Tornado's zelf maken (3)

The Tornado Project Online
Build your own tornado generator
TornadoScapes (Shawn Selders)

Satellietfoto's (3)

Unisys satellite photos
Dundee Satellite Receiving Station
METEOSAT Images (Nottingham)

Condensstrepen (1)

Contrails & cirrus (Robert v. Waning)


Zons- en maansverduisteringen (6)

Fred Espenak's eclipse homepage
Solar eclipse index
Eclipse chaser homepage
The earth view eclipse network
Exploratorium: solar eclipse
Dutch Meteor Society

Poollicht gegevens (20)
Solar Terrestrial Dispatch
Aurora viewing tips
NOAA: POES auroral activity
NOAA: POES auroral activity: current aurora borealis
NOAA: today's space weather
NASA: the very latest SOHO images
NASA: space weather center
Real time view of the Auroral Oval (CANOPUS)
Kiruna magnetogram
Auroras: paintings in the sky
The Exploration of the Earth's Magnetosphere
The Aurora: Information and Images
Space weather center (SWOP)
Poollicht boven Nederland
Poollicht site (Roy Keeris)
The aurora page
Solar Terrestrial Activity Report
Hubble Follows Rapid Changes In Jupiter's Aurora
Alaska science: aurora explained

Poollicht fotografie (7)

Aurora's Northern Nights (Jan Curtis)
Aurora Borealis Photo (Jack Finch)
Aurora Photography (Jouni Jussila)
Poollicht fotografie (Peter Pulles)
Aurora pictures by OH5IY
Stichting J.C. van der Meulen (met poollicht foto's)
Poollicht foto's April 6-7, 2000 (Corne Donkersloot)

Overig (4)

Events in the night sky (Stan Richard)
Encyclopedia Astronomiae
NASA online
Clear Sky Predictions & Seeing database

Meteoren en vuurballen (0)

Zodiakaallicht (4)

Zodiacal light and the gegenschein
Photo of zodiacal light
Zodiacal light seen from Mt. Mauna Kea
Astronomy photos by Mel Bartels

Satellieten en Iridiumflitsen (9)

Vandenberg CA missile launches
Heavens Above - satellietwaarnemingen
Feature: Iridium flares
Alan Pickup's SatEvo page
Visual satellite observer's homepage
SeeSat-L: mailing list for visual satellite observers
Observations of TSS-1R, the tethered satellite
Advanced Tether Experiment
NASA human spaceflight

Fotografie (13)

Rawhide Space Page (Brian Webb)
Astro-photography (Andy MacKenzie)
Linda's astrophotography site (Linda Davison)
Wil Milan's astrophoto gallery (Wil Milan)
Astronomy photography (Arjen / Jan l'Amie)
A rough guide to the night sky (Stuart Atkinson)
Evert's fotocollectie (Evert Wesker)
Amateur sterrenwacht Ecliptica (Peter Pulles)
Astrosite van Koen Miskotte
Astronomy photography (Jerry Xiaojin Zhu)
Astro photography by Maurice Toet
Astronomiefotografie door Marco Meniero
Astronomical Cameras: A Guide to Astrophotography


Fotografie (6)

Dan Heller's landscapes & scenic photography
San Juan Wildlife & Nature Photography (Matt Ragen)
A site all about photography schools
Brooks Institute of Photography
Wedding Invitation designs at Dauphinepress
Stock images and stock footage

Overig (12)

Science Frontiers: The Unusual & Unexplained
Science hobbyist
Astronova website
Bizarre stuff you can make in your kitchen
Digital artwork by Rob David Randtoul
Mercurial Spirit decorative artwork by Rebecca Dittman
Het Weer! tijdschrift
VWK - vereniging voor weerkunde
Dr. James M. Palmer's site on radiometry
PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway
Galeriegate artists-online
Brad Perks PC image network